The Gift of Time: A Miraculous Journey Back to Life

Jon & Jen at the 2020 Go Red for Women event in Fairbanks, Alaska


On December 15, 2019, what started as a routine Sunday breakfast turned into a life-altering experience for Jon and me. Little did we know that the day would unfold into a story of survival, faith, and the miraculous gift of time.

The Normal Sunday Turned Extraordinary:

Our usual Sunday routine included breakfast with our granddaughter, Charlotte. On this particular day, a sense of urgency prompted me to cut short Charlotte’s visit, leading to a decision that would alter the course of our lives. As we reached our daughter’s apartment, the unforeseen unfolded.

The Unthinkable Moment:

In a matter of seconds, Jon collapsed, lifeless. Panic set in as I initiated CPR alongside our daughter’s boyfriend, Shawn, who happened to be trained in CPR. The seconds felt like an eternity as we fought to revive Jon. It was a heart-wrenching moment, made even more challenging as our granddaughter questioned if her Papa would be okay.

A Miracle Unfolds:

The Paramedics arrived, and for over 80 minutes, Jon, our family, and the medical team engaged in a battle for his life. Miraculously, at 9:35 AM, on December 15, 2019, as I prayed “God, breathe life back into my husband, in Jesus’ name,” and laid hands on Jon’s chest, I felt a surge of divine intervention as God breathed life back into Jon. Against all odds, Jon’s heart remained undamaged, a testament to the extraordinary events that transpired.

Divine Intervention and the Power of Prayer:

In the midst of chaos, prayers echoed in the hospital room. With stents placed in Jon’s heart and arteries over 90% blocked, the medical team marveled at the lack of damage. This was a divine intervention, a reaffirmation that miracles still exist, and the power of prayer is undeniable.

Challenges and Gratitude:

Jon’s recovery astounded everyone. Despite the intense CPR, he suffered no broken bones, brain function loss, or other impairments. The gratitude we felt surrounded by loved ones in the hospital waiting room was overwhelming.

Reflecting on the Experience:

As I headed home that night, a mixture of fear and renewed faith gripped me. The fragility of life and the reality of death became more tangible. I grappled with conflicting emotions, having witnessed death and rebirth within a span of hours.

Life Lessons and Takeaways:

  • God is love, and we, being made in God’s image, are vessels of love. To invite more love into our lives, we must embody and share love with others.
  • Words hold immense power; they can speak life or death into situations. Choose to speak life, as words shape our realities.
  • Miracles persist in our lives, a testament to the unchanging nature of God.
  • CPR knowledge is invaluable. Learn it, as it can save lives when every second counts.
  • Cherish your body, the temple bestowed by God. It enables our spirits to fulfill their earthly purposes.
  • Embrace stillness, practice gratitude, and live unapologetically in alignment with your divine purpose.
  • Love one another and extend compassion, understanding that each person is doing their best with the resources at hand.


Our journey, shared at the American Heart Association’s Go Red For Women event, is a testament to the fragility of life, the power of faith, and the gratitude we carry for the precious gift of time. Jon’s survival is not just a story; it’s a celebration of life’s resilience and the miracles that can unfold when we least expect them.

PS: [Link to the video presented at the American Heart Association’s event]